Tuesday night I walked the south loop and cleared most of the brush. Their is still one tree that needs to be chainsawed out. With the mild winter their wasn't to much trail debris. I would like to get a hold of one of the leaf blowers to clear it off.
The trail was pretty dry except for death drop (the downhill coming off the connector). With 2 more days of drying, I am going to go out tomorrow night (thursday the 15th) and do a couple laps. I will probably be riding my fatbike but I think regular tires will be OK. Plan on heading out at 6 if anyone would like to join me.
We will just be riding the south loop so we will be starting from my house. Which brings me to mention that there is no more Mineral Point Rd access to the south loop except when I initiate a ride since you will have to come thru my front yard.
When I rode the north loop last week when it was still a little frozen, there was still some snow out there. With death drop being a little soft, I suspect the north loop can only be worse. Historically it is usually about 2weeks behind the south loop