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    Berm after drops (3 sisters)

    August 19, 2013, 02:56 PM

    Should there be/was there a berm after the first two drops? Right now it's a flat grass turn that's nearly impossible to carry speed through if you come off either drop at speed. I'm thinking a little catch berm would really help to revitalize that line.

    Also, less important, it's a pretty tight turn to make the easier, inside drop and there's no sight line to it. Not sure if we can trim back the bush before it to make that line a little more visible.


    aka Ben

    August 21, 2013, 09:42 AM

    How do you manage to make the tight turn before the drops with enough speed to make the turn after the drops a problem? between the rocky/gravel ground there and the poor sight line I always wind up coming into the drops slow enough that the turn after them never seemed too bad to me.



    August 21, 2013, 10:05 AM

    How do you manage to make the tight turn before the drops with enough speed to make the turn after the drops a problem? between the rocky/gravel ground there and the poor sight line I always wind up coming into the drops slow enough that the turn after them never seemed too bad to me.

    Coming from the top I come down the two berms, then go down the right side, over the larger rock ledges then pull left towards the drops.

    A lot of travel in my bike helps too :D


    Gary S

    August 21, 2013, 10:47 AM

    I thought I helped work on that turn last year. My recollection is that we built a small berm and fixed the line, but maybe we just talked about it.



    September 23, 2013, 04:25 PM

    I feel like a berm would definitely help.  I doubt I fly off of the drops as fast as some of you, but enough to easily clear that ramp down the second drop, and I have to brake a good bit heading into the turn after it.  Granted my problem is probably more due to poor skills than the turn being impossible, but I wiped out on that flat turn twice last year due to losing traction on the loose sand/rock.  Sadly, I've only gotten out twice this year, but I might be riding a lot more now that fall is here.  I'd be willing to work on it if it's OK with those in charge, but I know nothing of building berms and the related water drainage, so I don't know if it's something I'd mess up.



    September 23, 2013, 07:28 PM

    I'd be willing to work on it if it's OK with those in charge, but I know nothing of building berms and the related water drainage, so I don't know if it's something I'd mess up.

    Approval is required before any trail building to make sure we stay within our agreement with the City of Fitchburg. I'm meeting with the City this week to discuss the 3-Sisters trail. It needs some reworking for sure. In general, all trail changes need to be run by me before dirt is turned.

    What is really needed is some of the downhill riders to take a leadership position to maintain and enhance the downhill lines. Any takers? Post here or PM me.


    aka Ben

    October 02, 2013, 08:56 AM

    Slightly off topic here (other side of the drops):

    Did we recently redo the trail between the top of the hill and the sisters?  I rode it last weekend and it seemed way more twisty and bermed than I I remembered previously.  Am I imagining things or did that section get a facelift?



    October 03, 2013, 08:20 PM

    That area was rebuilt last October/November. The City is going to help improve the 3 Sisters trail in the coming days to make the most-difficult line a little safer.



    October 04, 2013, 07:17 AM

    That area was rebuilt last October/November. The City is going to help improve the 3 Sisters trail in the coming days to make the most-difficult line a little safer.

    Neat, I haven't worked up to that line yet, but getting there. Depending on the weather situation and how that affects our PV TAKMB plans, I might be available to help out if needed.


    aka Ben

    October 04, 2013, 10:03 AM

    What is being done to the most difficult line?  Filling in the double to make it a table top maybe?



    October 04, 2013, 01:59 PM

    Yeah, turning the doubles into tabletops. If we can get the skid steer to the 3 Sisters, we will try to fix the landing on the right-most jump. If we really get ambitious, a few dirt piles might be made in the trail to shape into additional features. Help may be needed for shaping. I'm still trying to coordinate the date with all of the rain.



    October 05, 2013, 06:08 AM

    I think turning those doubles into tables will really help new people learn to hit bigger jumps.  Right now it's just a crazy "OK, I've never hit anything nearly this big before.  Guess I just gotta go full on and hope I don't die!".  It'll be nice to be able to hit them a little cautiously at first and work up to them.



    October 13, 2013, 11:19 PM

    The City did an excellent job of filling in the tabletops last week and also smoothing out the landing. They did a great job, and based on the amount of tire tracks, riders like it.


    Specialized Jeremy

    October 17, 2013, 11:10 AM

    The table tops are great!!! Turned jumps that I have avoided hitting into terrific fun! The 2nd one needs a wee bit more compacting but supremely fun! Great job!
