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    Time Trial Loop and social event idea

    Tom Harron
    Former Club President
    Former President and Race Director of Battle of CR

    September 27, 2013, 09:08 AM

    I love the new changes at Quarry Ridge. Let's have some fun and start a time trial competition.

    Time trial loop:

    Start at picnic bench near tool storage bin. Go South toward the parking lot turn left near the area that floods all the time on the road then go left toward the new concrete viaduct. Cross bridge and go right up the new climb. Once you are at the top of the hill turn left and descend down the main downhill to the turnaround near the bridge. Hard right hand turn and take single track with all the new changes back to the picnic table. Lap should be around 2.5 miles.

    You could also add an advanced lap by adding the ambulance trail and then back down the hill over the cliff edge before getting to the picnic bench. Extra points for hitting TTF's and the bigger jumps.

    Post up your times and note which course you took. Regular or Extra Spicy!

    I can see an event made up with this time trial idea.

    We could have an event where you start someone every 30 seconds. If you are caught from behind you have to heed way to the racer from behind. They are already 30 seconds faster than you. Do a one lap trial and then hang out at the table until it's your time to race again. Bonus for the person with the smallest wait time between laps.

    Tom Harron



    September 27, 2013, 01:09 PM

    I like the idea. Chainsmokers used to run time trials at Blackhawk but haven't for quite some time. They were totally informal but got the competitive juices flowing.



    September 29, 2013, 11:38 PM

    I've been floating this idea for a few months. We need to get the new return trail done and then we can completely avoid the doubletrack road or re-riding any section, plus add in the sandy climb and tunnel trail (or new downhill in the spring).

    If you want to run the time trial, we should talk and I can point out more details about what I was planning. I did a similar race back in college, always at night, and we started every 1 minute. It was an 18-23 minute loop. Quarry Ridge would be about a 13-15 minute loop. There was a small entry fee and winner takes all.


    Tom Harron
    Former Club President
    Former President and Race Director of Battle of CR

    September 30, 2013, 10:22 AM

    Scott B (Former Pres) and Tom H (Former Pres) have been discussing it via email. We should chat. Give me a call some night. (608) 301-Five25Eight

    Tom Harron



    September 30, 2013, 11:04 AM

    It would be worth talking to the Chainsmokers for some input, they have years of experience putting on this sort of thing and will likely know what does or doesn't work well, it might save a few cycles of trial and error.   


    Tom Harron
    Former Club President
    Former President and Race Director of Battle of CR

    September 30, 2013, 12:09 PM

    I'm thinking that we should keep it simple and push the social aspect more than the performance. Time trial is just an excuse to hang out at the picnic table on a beautiful fall day.



    Middleton Bike Park Trail Steward
    Trail Steward

    September 30, 2013, 12:25 PM

    I'm thinking that we should keep it simple and push the social aspect more than the performance. Time trial is just an excuse to hang out at the picnic table on a beautiful fall day.


    That sounds like a good idea that could spark interest for some more faces on the regular Quarry Ridge gathering day yet not put off others interested in coming out on the same day.



    September 30, 2013, 12:26 PM

    Chainsmokers time trials were pretty laid back but still had an official timer, number plates, liability waivers, and fees. They would split between short track, which had riders starting every 30 sec, and longer trail rides with a le mans start. One volunteer took money, had every sign waivers, handed out number plates, and a second volunteer was the timer (pencil, paper, and stop watch). There was someone in the club who marked the trails every other week to vary the route. People of all abilities showed up periodically, from pro-level XC riders to dudes on unicycles. I'm not sure why it faded away.

    I agree with Tom however, keep it simple and emphasize the social aspect.


    Former President
    Board Member

    September 30, 2013, 11:20 PM

    BH time trials just sort of faded away; last year we regularly had <5 riders, so it it didn't make sense to the folks putting in the hours to set it up.  Many reasons for that, a better discussion for sitting around after riding than here.

    My recollection is the short tracks were Lemans start, the long routes were 15 second interval starting.  Short tracks were probably 4-8 minute laps for the leaders (20- 30 minute races).  Long routes were 10-18 minutes (usually two laps, though sometimes three on a shorter course).  I always liked to get at least a thirty minute race, but that wasn't always the case.

    There was always a no-drop pre-ride lap.

    15 second starts work fine, and there is no real need for a timer; last to start starts the watch, first to finish starts recording times.  If you can talk someone into not riding, it is a little easier, but I always felt bad for that person.

    The advantage of BH is it easier to vary the course.  The disadvantage (aside from membership) is that someone needs to set the course.

    Number plates help, but riders can just say their names as they finish, so they aren't needed.

    It is a fun way to be competitive yet relaxed; depending on how often you ran it, I would be a little worried about getting bored at QR.  Not alot of ways to vary the course.

    The last two years we occasionally did a team time trial, which was the most fun I ever had competing on a bike.  It takes a little more time to run, though, so the evenings are too short now.  Might work on a weekend, but it seems like there is an event every weekend into November at this point, and I know there is some trail to be built as well.  Maybe next year.



    October 01, 2013, 10:34 AM

    The last two years we occasionally did a team time trial, which was the most fun I ever had competing on a bike.  It takes a little more time to run, though, so the evenings are too short now.  Might work on a weekend, but it seems like there is an event every weekend into November at this point, and I know there is some trail to be built as well.  Maybe next year.
    The team time trials were awesome! Qualifying laps determined general fastness of riders and then teams were paired outside-in (first w/ last, etc.). Then the team race was  5 or 6 laps, split however you wanted between the riders. Awesome fun and a good way to actually meet the fellow riders a bit.
