That was a lot of fun! We had a good group. Some were early. Some of us were mostly on time. And some people think it starts at 6:30....or later :P
So right out of the gate we were split. The fast rollers headed out to get some serious riding in. The rest of us hung out and BS'd some more whilst the stragglers got their gear ready. Finally we were off.........
For about 100 feet. And then the whole front of the pack was flat on the trail! It was a thing of beauty

Fun to watch for sure. There were bikes and bodies going in all directions. A ten foot solid ice patch on the doubletrack covered by just enough so so you could not see it. An ominous start.
Luckily the trails got a lot better from there. A couple of slippery corners along the creek. Not bad and all rideable. But everything else was near perfect. Maybe it was the libations. But we decided to ride outside the box. We rode up trails we never ride. Rode most of the trails backward. And generally mixed it up. It was a great time And then Rich got hungry. After then the focus was on getting back to CamRock Sport stat! We needed libations and some awesome eats!
As always CamRock sport delivered. Some more great times back at the cafe over a few beers. Plans for biking trips. Plans for building trails. We learned about some private trails we never knew existed. Discussions on the benefits of studded fat bike tires. What an awesome way to spend a night.