
    Serpentine Climb Reroute

    Walt Hougas
    Trail Steward - Blue Mound SP
    To Be A Man...

    May 22, 2014, 08:08 PM

    Before the all-consuming effort to make the boundary adjustment reroute takes over, thought I'd take the opportunity to cut more of the Serpentine Climb reroute we started last fall. The attached pictures show what I cut today.

    I checked the reroute we cut last fall. It's a little wet but shows no signs of water running down the trail. The part of Serpentine Climb we routed around lost 3" of dirt in places. There are roots crossing the trail 5" above the dirt. The old trail is unrideable, we made the reroute just in time.



    Gary S

    May 22, 2014, 08:14 PM

    Looks nice, Walter, thanks for your efforts.


    Walt Hougas
    Trail Steward - Blue Mound SP
    To Be A Man...

    May 23, 2014, 06:34 PM

    I did some more work on the Serpentine Climb Reroute today.

    Started work on the switchback turn. The AM was devoted to gathering and placing rocks for the wall on the downhill leg. Because the upper leg passes over a couple of large rocks bigger than I can move, I am not able to get fill by digging the uphill leg into the hillside.

    In the afternoon, I got 6 contractor size wheelbarrow loads of dirt by deberming the existing trail uphill from the turn and adding a wide, shallow dip for water control. The dirt is a good start on filling the downhill leg of the turn.

    There's a lot more dirt needed, but the turn can be ridden as is.

    (The pictures are out of order. The bottom picture shows the lower leg of the turn before any fill was added, the top on is the "after" shot.)

    « Last Edit: May 23, 2014, 06:39 PM by Walt Hougas »

    Walt Hougas
    Trail Steward - Blue Mound SP
    To Be A Man...

    May 24, 2014, 07:47 PM

    The Serpentine Climb reroute got a little longer today.

    I pried up a pair of rocks and realized there was an additional problem when the hole started to fill with water. A fully dug out hole allowed me to put the rocks back in so the flat parts were on top. Add a couple of wheelbarrow loads of dirt and it's looking pretty good.

    One more wheelbarrow of dirt was added to the switchback.


    « Last Edit: May 24, 2014, 07:51 PM by Walt Hougas »