
    Casual work day Saturday July 26th

    Walt Hougas
    Trail Steward - Blue Mound SP
    To Be A Man...

    July 24, 2014, 07:42 PM

    I will be at Blue Mound's garage at 1:30 on Saturday to meet new-to-me volunteer Curtis.

    We will be completing the rough-in of the new connection from Serpentine Climb to Basalty Bail. If time permits, we will begin the finish work on the new bail out. There are lots of small-to-medium size rocks in the tread that will be removed first. I hope to get some signs planted showing riders how to navigate this. It's a little confusing because I'm leaving the old trail open. In case there are any fans, they will be able to ride it for a while longer.

    (Later work will include cutting a bench into the side-slope and finishing the insloped turn of the switchback that is part of the new reroute. I may go back to the Holy Schist boundary reroute before this all gets done. It's not instantly obvious how best to juggle the priorities, but it seems to make sense to have both reroutes open before spending too much time on finish work.)



    Jay Gunderson
    Trail Steward

    July 25, 2014, 03:09 PM

    Thanks for the effort from all the volunteers.

    Dirk and I went out last night did the complete overload/holy schist loop. The wide trail clearing is much appreciated; longer site lines, more ventilation to dry the track quicker and less surprises from hidden obstacles on the trail edge. Very fun.

    BTW The new trail reroute we did this spring is a blast, still a little rough but, fast and flow. Wish we had miles of it.



    Walt Hougas
    Trail Steward - Blue Mound SP
    To Be A Man...

    July 26, 2014, 08:33 PM

    Another great day at Blue Mound!

    Curtis helped me post two new signs to help riders navigate the Serpentine Climb-Basalt&Pepper-Basalty Bail rejiggering. We busted through the last chunk of brush and rock to hook it all together. Much additional work is needed to finish the tread properly, but it's now possible to ride Serpentine Climb to Basalty Bail via the new reroute. This is a huge improvement to a trail segment that had become nearly unrideable from severe erosion. The reroute that Gary and I put in last fall is now connected to Basalty Bail in a way that works properly.

    Thanks Curtis!

