
    Weed Cutting

    Walt Hougas
    Trail Steward - Blue Mound SP
    To Be A Man...

    August 01, 2014, 01:49 PM

    We have on-site tool storage at Blue Mound again! If you want to help out, post here, PM me, or email me at hougaswd@aol.com

    Several people have stepped up to help get the weeds under control at Blue Mound. This is excellent news (for me) because it will free me up to devote my time to finishing the reroutes. It's also a good development because the trails will be in good shape again that much faster.

    I'll try to get a map up on this thread, but here's the status as I know it.

    Over Lode Trail: I cut this this in early July. Didn't get to the trail between the Ryan Road and Mounds Road crossing, but there's very little that is grown in. Also, there's a section between the 1st and 2nd crossings that didn't get cut, but it's not heavily overgown. LOW PRIORITY.

    Short Mound Loop: Rich cut the beginner section, Gary cut most of Chert Dip, Ryan cut the rest of Chert Dip and Serpentine Climb. Basalty Bail, and the short bit of Serpentine Climb between the reroute and Holy Schist needs to be cut.

    Long Mound Loop: Holy Schist needs to be cut at the beginning and end. Home Stretch needs to be cut. The middle of Holy Schist isn't heavily overgrown for the most part.

    Pokerville: Rick has cut some of this, I'm not sure what remains.

    Saturday August 2nd, Ryan will be coming out and using the hedge trimmer to cut, I think he's going to focus on Basalty Bail and the end of Serpentine Climb.

    Rich said he was going to cut Home Stretch, and move into the end of Holy Schist as time permits. It's a good size chunk of trail.

    Rick may need help with Pokerville. It's 2 miles of pretty solid weeds.

    If I've missed something, please post to this thread.


    Gary S

    August 01, 2014, 02:28 PM

    Thanks Walt.  I updated my stickied thread, but there's a lot more detail here.


    Gary S

    August 02, 2014, 08:00 PM

    Big thanks to Rick and Ryan for trimming today. Rick finished the part of Pokerville east of the connector to military ridge, and Ryan trimmed Basalty Bail, the rest of Serpentine Climb, and part of Holy Schist.


    Walt Hougas
    Trail Steward - Blue Mound SP
    To Be A Man...

    August 02, 2014, 08:12 PM

    Thanks guys! I'll be riding it tomorrow.

