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    B. Line Construction at Quarry Ridge

    August 08, 2014, 08:51 AM

    For those of you who don't regularly use facebook, here's a new event to finish up one of the downhill trails. I hope you can join us!

    We started to rough in B. Line back at the spring workday and haven't had time to finish the dirt work. This new trail is between Three Sisters and Ambulance Climb and will have a lot more jumps and berms than Three Sisters once complete, and that's where we need your help. Join us on August 26th for some dirt work to build berms, rollers, and jumps to make it a polished trail.

    Meet at the toolbox at 5:30. If you arrive later, grab a tool from the toolbox and find us on the trail. If you walk up Ambulance Climb, we should be visible off to the left.

    BEER and PIZZA are on the menu! Please indicate if you are joining so I can bring enough food.

    No experience necessary. If you are new to building these features, this is a great time to work with others to learn techniques and best practices. Bring gloves and water.



    August 25, 2014, 03:43 PM

    Sorry Jeff but I forgot to ask you yesterday if this is still going down?? If so, I'll be there.



    August 25, 2014, 09:57 PM

    It's definitely going down! Hope to see a bunch of people out there. This rain is going to soften the dirt and make trail work so much easier.



    August 25, 2014, 10:11 PM

    I'm hoping to be there depending on how much I can get done at the farm. (not "that" farm)

    ~ Go Big or Go Home


    Gary S

    August 27, 2014, 09:09 PM

    Rode it tonight, great work and thanks everyone!


    Walt Hougas
    Trail Steward - Blue Mound SP
    Trail Steward
    To Be A Man...

    August 28, 2014, 08:38 AM

    Nice work guys.



    aka Ben

    September 15, 2014, 04:03 PM

    Do we have plans for another work day on this or an estimate on when it might be open?  It looked sweet last night but had a sign at the top saying it was temporarily closed so I didn't get to try it out.



    September 15, 2014, 10:26 PM

    It looked sweet last night but had a sign at the top saying it was temporarily closed so I didn't get to try it out.

    Ignore that sign. It's open, but it kind of warns you that the trail isn't finished. Please ride it and give some feedback.

    I was going to have another workday next week, but it looks like I'll be renting an excavator in October instead. I'll need some help likely the weekend of October 11 to smooth the dirt piles from the excavator. Then we will have MUCH bigger berms and more jumps.
