Great developments here for sure. Really interesting on the motorcycle use. Obviously the current administration is trying any angle to get more motors into and onto State lands. The key here is the "repair damages caused" clause. That could save a catastrophe. Though I fear that would be awful hard to enforce over five miles of trail. A trail could easily be destroyed by a motorcycle event over a weekend. You would be hard pressed to get the major damage repaired. And a lot of damage would not be easy to spot to anyone but a trail builder, but make the trail unsustainable in the long term.
I agree on the '"repair damages" clause. What is perceived as "trail damage" isn't the same for the motorized crowd as it is for the human-powered crowd. Off-road motos and 4 wheelers can get through/over ruts that will stop a MTB in it's tracks. Trail damage is potentially subjective, I'm afraid.
Wow, almost word-for-word, the anti MTB groups in the 80's and 90's.
The OHM community has experienced trail closures, in the past, due to poorly designed and maintained trails as have the MTB crowd. OHM groups have certified trail builders and are actively training more. Many events are run on private land and have to be carefully routed and often repaired post-ride.
I believe there is much more to be gained for all of us with an inclusive mindset, rather than a closed-minded, exclusive, elitist attitude.
I hear a lot about the great opportunities for more MTB trails, and not enough involvement. I can say for sure, that many comments like these and more that were made regarding other trail users, have kept many hands from helping and pocketbooks closed.