
    New Messages Alert

    November 03, 2015, 07:57 AM

    Is anyone else annoyed by the alert box when you visit the site and have new messages? Half the time I click 'Ok' just to close it then it tries to make a pop-up which gets blocked. Just wondering if this is useful or if we could have some other form of indicator for new messages that's less intrusive.


    Trail Steward - CamRock
    Trail Steward

    November 03, 2015, 09:14 AM

    Not an issue for me. I have allowed the pop-ups, so it opens a new window for me to see the messages. I like it because before I could go a long time not realizing I had a message.
    Maybe you are just too popular, so you get too many messages ;)

    ~ Chuck Hutchens


    Gary S

    November 06, 2015, 06:46 PM

    Is anyone else annoyed by the alert box when you visit the site and have new messages? Half the time I click 'Ok' just to close it then it tries to make a pop-up which gets blocked. Just wondering if this is useful or if we could have some other form of indicator for new messages that's less intrusive.

    We use SMF so we're a bit limited to what it offers without modifying the base code, which we already do plenty of.

    You can turn off the popups in your profile settings, under personal messaging.


    Renegade Rick

    November 07, 2015, 02:31 PM

    Quit being so gosh darn popular might work too.  ;D

    I'll see what I can do that's nicer.
