
    Anyone else get this email from IMBA

    January 26, 2016, 02:23 PM

    Got this email from IMBA regarding e-mtb in Wisconsin.  My concern is that they are asking for selected access per trail which would be difficult to control and ultimately unenforceable.  Given this, it may give the DNR reason to limit more access overall to all mtbs.  I have not seen enough data to say ie e-mtbs are bad or not.  Since we advocate trail access brings in revenue to justify their existence, asking to eliminate this possible revenue stream without solid data may backfire.  I am hesitant to recommend this as it seems unenforceable and lacks the back-up data.  This is just my humble opinion.

    Ask Wisconsin DNR to Improve Plans for Management of Electric Mountain Bikes on Trails!
    Dear Jonathan,

    IMBA urges its supporters to ask the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to revise its proposed plan to manage electric mountain bike (eMTB) access on trails. Rather than creating a blanket policy that could allow allow all types of eMTBs on all trail types, please ask the DNR to move forward more cautiously.

    Submit your comments by Feb. 1, 2016, to DNR staffer Kathryn Fitzgerald: kathryn.fitzgerald@wisconsin.gov OR 608-267-2764.

    There will also be a public hearing on Feb. 1, 2016, in Fitchburg from 5 p.m.–7 p.m. at the DNR Service Center, 3911 Fish Hatchery Road.

    Specifically, please mention that proposal NR45 should be modified to specify that certain classes of eMTBs (such as pedal-assist models) should be matched to particular trail types (like wide, natural-surface paths). Not all trails, particularly narrow singletrack, are suitable for wholesale access by eMTBs. The DNR should also engage in research to determine which types of electric bicycles best interface with the current trail designs and users. The process for exclusion or inclusion needs to be fully defined with input from the mountain bike community before a proposal such as NR45 can be successfully implemented.

    Additionally, we suggest you ask the DNR to revise NR45 to read as follows: “The department may prohibit operation of motor bicycles on specific trails or sections of trails by posted notice. No person may operate a motor bicycle on a trail open to bicycles unless the trail is posted as open to motor bicycles.”

    Thanks for reading, and please contact me if you have questions!


    Michelle Barker

    IMBA Midwest Region Director




    January 26, 2016, 05:15 PM

    I saw it.  My personal opinion is that an e-bike is, plain and simple, a motorized vehicle.

    My comments would slant toward no motorized vehicle access.  Again, I speak for myself.

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    ~ I like beer and men



    January 26, 2016, 05:59 PM

    I feel their stance would be better if it was all or nothing but trying to be selective which e-mtb can use a trail is not enforceable and will lead to confusion and problems.


    Gary S

    January 26, 2016, 09:09 PM

    It looks like they already included language allowing the department to prohibit motor bicycles on specific trails.

    SECTION 10 authorizes the use of motor bicycles on state trails open to bicycles provided that the motor is not
    engaged, or at less than 15 MPH if the electric motor is engaged. It also allows the department to prohibit
    operation of motor bicycles on specific trails, or sections of trails, by posted notice.

    Some other brow-raising proposals, including allowing ATVs on department owned roads.  Not sure where that is headed.



    January 28, 2016, 04:12 PM

    email sent to Kathryn.  she responded, "Thank you for your comments.  They are now part of the official record and will be taken into consideration when finalizing the rule. "



    January 28, 2016, 07:51 PM

    I plan to put my 2 cents in at the meeting and in writing that e-MTBs don't ever belong on out trails, e-bikes should only be allowed where other motorized vehicles are permitted (roads).

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    Trail Steward - CamRock
    Trail Steward

    January 29, 2016, 09:10 AM

    I plan to put my 2 cents in at the meeting and in writing that e-MTBs don't ever belong on out trails, e-bikes should only be allowed where other motorized vehicles are permitted (roads).

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    90% in agreement. My only thought is to allow exceptions for medical issues. It identifies these as motor vehicles, but gives disabled operators a chance to still ride trails they love.
    You would need a permit from the DNR, etc to operate. Maybe you have a red tag on your handlebars to easily identify someone  with a permit?

    ~ Chuck Hutchens
