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    just posted as closed

    blackbike (Scot E)
    None more black

    May 01, 2012, 12:09 PM

    I just posted a report marking QR as closed.
    It's rideable but not without trail damage.
    It's clear from the tracks and rutting throughout the entire outer loop that it currently meets some riders' criteria for being totally rideable but let's please give it another dry day.

    ~ Look up on the wall baby, hand me down my shootin' iron.
    Call your mother long distance, tell her to expect your body home.



    May 02, 2012, 05:23 PM

    Thanks, we headed out there earlier, took a look, then passed. We did ride the hell outta Badger Praiare instead, though. LOL



    May 09, 2012, 08:47 PM

    Thanks, we headed out there earlier, took a look, then passed. We did ride the hell outta Badger Praiare instead, though. LOL

    What kind of trails are at B.P ?  I live nearby and would be easy to just ride down there.



    May 09, 2012, 09:19 PM

    Mowed grass about a car width

    ~ Burn rubber


    Middleton Bike Park Trail Steward
    Trail Steward

    May 10, 2012, 09:10 AM

    Thanks, we headed out there earlier, took a look, then passed. We did ride the hell outta Badger Praiare instead, though. LOL

    What kind of trails are at B.P ?  I live nearby and would be easy to just ride down there.

    You need to put yourself in the mindset of a child who just learned to ride or cyclocross rider.

    I get the youthful thought part but not wearing clothes I'd never wear in a liquor store or why somebody would ride expensive bikes you get off of and carry over wood when you can buy cheap bikes that can jump over wood.

    I don't understand cyclocross but did give racing try. There was excitement, people in bright clothing, and I smiled and waved at everybody riding by me. After the second lap somebody told me I missed the point. Nate and the Mayor were very helpful. They told me most don't drive monster trucks in a race, my consistent lap times were a good stat, but not so much with the slow lap times. I was able to figure out the eating and beer part.

    At the Blue Mound race a woman was freaked out when I rode over the table top rock next to her. That was the lap before I was told it's the audience who usually does the waving an smiling.



    aka Ben

    May 10, 2012, 10:06 AM

    To go back to the original topic here, I just went out to QR for some morning laps.  The vast majority of it is in great shape.  The tunnel trail, 3 sisters, and both climbs were all nice and firm.  I didn't check out the sandy bowl because my current skill set does not make that much fun. 

    The XC loop is in need of some TLC though.  Most of it is dry but a few of the bermed corners continue to be really muddy and it is clear that not everyone is being cautious enough to go around the muck.  The wet turns are all pretty rutted but a couple of them have really deep ruts that may make them pretty scary once they harden up.  We have a work day in 2 weeks where this could get fixed but if we have tools out there it might be a good idea to try and smooth those out before they fully dry up.


    blackbike (Scot E)
    None more black

    May 10, 2012, 10:19 AM

    Thanks for the update Bin.
    If people would stay out of the mud we could concentrate on the new trail stuff rather than repairing the damage.

    The new uphill reroute (along the ambulance climb) that was cut in is not too good, to be completely honest.  it doesn't flow, zigzags in a tight and unnatural manner, and could use a lot of benching and rounding out.  I'm sure it can be made a lot better but the layout is pretty poor for climbing.  I'll grant that there's not a lot of room to work and I wasn't at the trail day to help but it could use some good trail design TLC.

    Of course I'd love to see the TTF put some more skinnies and stuff along the straightaway, they are high value-added!

    Or we could fix the ruts in the mud....

    ~ Look up on the wall baby, hand me down my shootin' iron.
    Call your mother long distance, tell her to expect your body home.

    « Last Edit: May 10, 2012, 10:38 AM by blackbike »

    aka Ben

    May 10, 2012, 10:57 AM

    I could probably get out and smooth the ruts sometime before the trail day if there is a way to get access to the toolbox out there (assuming that is our toolbox by the picnic table).

    Speaking of the new climb, is the ladder bridge towards the bottom supposed to have more dirt leading up to it or is that supposed to be really hard to get up on?  I can get my front wheel on it but I have yet to make it to that point in the climb with close to enough momentum to get the rear wheel up there. 



    May 10, 2012, 04:46 PM

    Ya we need to put dirt up to the ladder bridge.

    Sent from my Motorola Electrify using Tapatalk 2



    May 12, 2012, 07:45 AM

    If anyone is interested in an informal trail day, I can open up the toolbox and we can go fix some of the problem areas. Wednesday or Thursday evenings would work best.



    aka Ben

    May 12, 2012, 03:57 PM

    What time are you thinking? I could possibly do Wednesday.



    May 15, 2012, 10:50 PM

    There's definitely some work left on the ambulance trail. I've scouted out some improvements to the line and with some additional bench-cutting and drainage work I think it will become much more rideable and sustainable.

    I'll be doing some prep work over the next couple of weeks (monitor the board for ad hod workdays, likely late afternoon/early evening on weeknights) in advance of the big work weekend for National Trails Day on June 2nd/3rd.


    blackbike (Scot E)
    None more black

    May 16, 2012, 07:45 PM

    Brendan if we can make the evenings match I have a permission slip for a few evenings and if we can get a crew I'll buy a few six packs for the team.

    Hey QR XC riders, come on out and help with the new climb guys, this is to your benefit.

    Plus I will only throw down the cash on good beer.

    ~ Look up on the wall baby, hand me down my shootin' iron.
    Call your mother long distance, tell her to expect your body home.



    May 16, 2012, 08:02 PM

    Sounds like a plan.



    May 16, 2012, 11:08 PM

    Brendan if we can make the evenings match I have a permission slip for a few evenings and if we can get a crew I'll buy a few six packs for the team.

    Hey QR XC riders, come on out and help with the new climb guys, this is to your benefit.

    Plus I will only throw down the cash on good beer.

    Let me know. This is my neighborhood trail.
