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    Volunteering 2021

    Assistant Trail Steward - Cross Plains

    April 09, 2021, 10:24 AM

    Spring Work Day - Saturday May 1, 2021 - 9am-12pm

    Welcome to spring!  We were lucky enough to get some dry weather in this week, but alas… rain.  Check out the trail status daily and we will officially change the status to “open” on www.madcitydirt.com when the trails are ready to ride.
    We have a spring workday set for Saturday May 1, 2021 from 9am-12pm, so please add this to your calendar.  Meet at the trailhead on CTH KP at 9am.  The more people we can get to come help, the faster we will get the trails back in shape for spring riding!  Everyone is welcome, young and old, and we will have tools for everyone.  We will work on clearing leaves and brush from the trails, fix any erosion problems that may have developed over the winter, and come up with special projects for anyone who is interested in staying late or would like to volunteer throughout the year.  We will plan on assigning people to various areas of the trail so that we can stay socially distant.  Please plan on bringing your face mask, gloves, bug spray, water… and your bike!  Now that the trails are completed, it may be easier to ride to your assigned work spot.  We will plan on having some food and beverage at the end of the event.  If you think you can make it, please reply to the Facebook event below and pass this information along to friends.   

    If you are not already a member of the Capital Off Road Pathfinders (CORP), local chapter of the International Mountain Bicycling Association (IMBA), please consider joining.   CORP has funded the construction of the Driftless Downs trails and continues to maintain the system with the assistance of volunteers and generous donations from our supporters.  When you join IMBA and select your location, you will automatically be given the option to join CORP.  Check out the local trail improvements that are planned for our area including Cross Plains, Pleasant View, Blackhawk, Blue Mounds, Quarry Ridge, and Cam Rock. 

    See everyone soon! 


    Trail Steward - Cross Plains
    Trail Steward

    June 01, 2021, 09:17 AM

    Thanks to everyone who came to the work day. We completed a lot of work and made some nice improvements to the trail system.

    Now we are entering the part of the season were we could really use some help trimming weeds. If you have a weed trimmer feel free to work on your favorite trail segment. If you would like to use the CORP trimmer please reach out and we will get you set up. Any help is appreciated.  R and R and part of Oak y Dokie were trimmed and are in great shape.

    ~ crushing it
