
    Evening Work Day June 3rd at 5:00 pm

    May 24, 2021, 07:36 PM

    Lots of rain lately, which means the plants are growing like crazy. Those who have been out have no doubt noticed that weeds are constantly brushing the legs and sight lines are poor. We would like to organize an evening work day (work evening??) for Thursday, June 3rd, starting at 5:00 pm. Meet up at the trail head. The dirt is largely in good shape, so we will dedicate anyone who plans to contribute to cutting back the growth and getting the sight lines improved. We'll have plenty of weedwhackers on hand as well as some hand saws and shears for taking care of plant life that is encroaching from above. We will also plan on having the gator so that we can shuttle people and equipment out to high priority areas.

    This isn't the "fun" side of trail work, we know. That being said, we will plan on keeping things to just 2 hours (stopping ~7:00 pm) so that we can make it over to the Capital Brewery beer garden for a few pints together. This will likely not be enough time to trim everything that needs it, but it will give the trail stewards a much needed head start to work with. Please check in with Randy (randy.williams -at- madcitydirt.com) or William (william.lorman - at - madcitydirt.com) if you are planning to attend.



    May 26, 2021, 08:15 PM

    Can’t make it next Thursday, but I’ll take some shears with me the next time I ride and cut out any face-smackers in the woods.



    May 26, 2021, 08:44 PM

    That would be great. Thanks!



    June 01, 2021, 08:29 PM

    I'll probably be trimming at BH that evening, but add to your list a 2"wide x 6" tall stump on the north/ left side of east bound Chip Shot, right where the trail comes back in from the powerline. It's hidden by foliage, and I smashed several toes on it tonight. I might be able to get GPS coord. for it on Strava from the circles I was making trying to walk it off! If you don't find it, I can try and remember to take a hand saw with me next trip.


    Former President
    Board Member

    June 02, 2021, 06:38 PM

    I'll probably be trimming at BH that evening, but add to your list a 2"wide x 6" tall stump on the north/ left side of east bound Chip Shot, right where the trail comes back in from the powerline. It's hidden by foliage, and I smashed several toes on it tonight. I might be able to get GPS coord. for it on Strava from the circles I was making trying to walk it off! If you don't find it, I can try and remember to take a hand saw with me next trip.

    Make sure everyone communicates on this.  We often borrow tools from BH for PV workdays (and vice versa) to make sure we can make use of volunteers time effectively.  Awesome to have people working at both sites, just make sure we've got tools where people need them.  And keep in mind that Thursday evenings are youth programming, so you'll be limited in where you can work.

    Thanks everyone!
