
    Spring Fundraiser Breaks Records

    CORP President
    Board Member

    April 19, 2024, 03:52 PM

    CORP had a fantastic turnout at Machinery Row Bicycles last Saturday following the Love Your Trails event for our Spring Fundraiser! We celebrated the joy of riding bikes on dirt and all our wonderful volunteers who participated in love your trails month! We thanked our amazing CORP trail stewards & board members and also recognized national award winners Beth Ross and Sahara Walker. AMAZING FOOD and delicious beverages were donated from ORIGIN Breads, Underground Meats, Sunshine Brewing Company, Octopi Brewing, and Metcalfe's Market. You helped us raise a record $7,300 to support local trails! THANK YOU ALL! Photos: Machinery Row/Ben Clausen

    « Last Edit: April 27, 2024, 02:05 PM by benon2wheelsNG »