That was my thought too jon, we cant wait until july.
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The committee can be organized in days, it has started.
What can't wait is stopping and repair of poor and dangerous trail building. You only have past and present board members micro managing because the committee stopped functioning, and the word to freeriders about doing things right and work with the whole club is a year old. All of money, machines, tools and dirt have been offered and some continue to work outside of that.
Those who want jumps, berms, and cool stuff risk being their own worst enemy if they don't do things the way the whole club is run. You have to remember the club is a family of hundreds of members with distinct sports and well-managed programs. Biking and trails need to be on board and manage their interests like the other sports.
The complaints about trails and riders come to me. Every one of the complaints I looked into last week would have been a non-issue if the diggers were doing good work, communicating, and using the money, machine, tools and dirt offered.
It is so simple. There's budget, machines, tools, and dirt. All that has to be done is be organized and communicate in the way the alpine, biathlon, jumping and Nordic groups are.
Thank you.