I armed myself with a pair of loppers, hand pruners, hand pull-saw, and a spade shovel, and spent 3-ish hours today walked the trails and cutting/clipping off pretty much any tree branch that would be in the way throughout the outside XC loop.
1. One tree (fell across path) looping the easy green to the blue trail
2. One tree (nearly across path, but every wind storm drops little by little) on the blue trail (careful there is a bee's nest in the stump when I was trying to fill it in with dirt)


Just after this tree there was a washed out berm that needed something so I built it back up... And I know it is not forever but it will last this season.

3. In the valley out near the end of the parking lot there were 3 trees with branches over the trail. I trimmed back the branches, so you don't even need to duck.
4. On the sandy climb some of the branches on the right side trimmed them back or at least made cleaner cuts from previous people.
5. Cleared fallen branches or dead branches on or near trail farther back out of danger.
6. Added dirt to both stepdown's/drops on the back XC loop and to the first skinny wood bridge.
7. Re-clipped any bad clippings from previous people, and put everything 5'+ back into the woods.
I was not able to get into the inner DH trails. After 15min out there I was soaked in sweat, the bugs were getting bad and I already got stung by 2 bee's after 3 hours so I called it a day. I really hope it is smooth and fast with all this work. Can't wait for it to dry up and ride it this week.